Our Focus
Our work in education development focuses on
Basic, Secondary, and Technical (Vocational) Education
Basic & Secondary Education
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Technical & Vocational Education
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Despite positioning, Nigeria’s educational system continues to face a myriad of challenges
Access Challenges
- High levels of Poverty
- Gender biases limited Girl Child education in the face of constraints
- Social norms undervaluing education
- Lack of infrastructure at all levels
Quality Challenges
- Low quality of teachers at various levels
- High share of unqualified teachers especially female
- Poor learning environment
Institutional challenges
- Weak governance and institutions
- Low capacity at federal and state levels
- Gaps in data collection and utilization on learning outcomes
How We Are Addressing These Challenges
With a systematically approach to each challenge we leverage our competencies and experience in the development space
Addressing Access Challenges
We deploy innovative financing to improve infrastructure and service delivery
We design ACSM approaches to address social norms undervaluing education
We design ACSM approaches to address social norms undervaluing education
Addressing Institutional challenges
We develop broad based accountability and frameworks and coordination mechanisms
We design Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation platforms to increase strategic use of data
We leverage strategic reviews and development
We design Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation platforms to increase strategic use of data
We leverage strategic reviews and development
Addressing Quality Challenges
We design and deploy large scale capacity building initiatives at different levels
We support broad based recruitment and secondment of permanent and ad-hoc manpower at the different levels
We support broad based recruitment and secondment of permanent and ad-hoc manpower at the different levels
Reimagining Lifelong Learning Solutions
The Pre-service Teachers Education Project

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