
Thumbnails from 2022 and how to Maximize 2023 the Sydani Way

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Thumbnails from 2022 and how to Maximize 2023 the Sydani Way

Thumbnails from 2022 and how to Maximize 2023 the Sydani Way

Thumbnails from Healthcare in 2022

Globally, the accelerated pace of innovation across medicine, science, and technology has led to the discovery of several bold but sustainable solutions to healthcare challenges. This was evident in the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic which, though plunged the world into immense uncertainty, fast-tracked massive advancement in the fields of medicine, science, and technology, breaking molds and challenging orthodoxies.

For instance, it catalyzed the acquisition and spread of knowledge about the disease amid the fast-moving pandemic. The world saw an unprecedented speed of vaccine development and deployment – a scientific achievement that has the potential to reset industry norms. The pharmaceutical industry demonstrated operational excellence and innovation in the execution of drug development, including the discovery of Paxlovid – the first oral treatment authorized by the FDA – with results showing reduced hospitalization and deaths from the virus. Technology-enabled advancements promoted the digitization of healthcare, and unparalleled levels of funding (both public and private) were made available very quickly.

These dramatic events formed the highlights of 2022 so much so that the HIMSS[1] Future of Healthcare Report[2] details that over 80% of healthcare providers expect to increase their investment in technology and digital solutions over the next five years as a result.

Nigeria was not left behind in this revolutionary turn of events with its rapid mobilization of huge quantities of public, private, and donor funding, which accelerated the deployment of COVID – 19 vaccines across the nation, increasing the proportion of the fully vaccinated from 4.3% in January 2022 to 56.2% in December 2022[3].

Sydani played a pivotal role in these achievements providing high-level technical support to the National Primary Health Care Agency (NPHCDA) on strategy development, resource mobilization, and crisis communications, implementing key interventions and collaborating actively with international donors such as Gavi – the vaccine alliance, the United States Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC), and the Integrated Health Project (IHP) of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

In total, 16 states directly benefited from our interventions, with most of them becoming shining examples of unprecedented progress. An example is Osun state which moved up from 9th to 3rd place in the national ranking of states between April and October 2022 and has since surpassed the 70% target of fully vaccinated individuals, making her one of five states to have achieved this feat across the nation. This was a fitting close to the year 2022.

Thumbnails from 2022 and how to Maximize 2023 the Sydani Way
Welcome, 2023

We began the new year on a very high note celebrating 2022 which was a great year for us and setting the pace for an even more monumental 2023. We recorded a few noteworthy activities in the first week of the year, including our relocation to the epic Sydani Towers – our permanent office space strategically located in Abuja’s central business district, towering above everything around it, the induction of the winter cohort of the Sydani Fellowship Program, and our very first Sydani Problem-solving session in Sydani Towers.

With a legacy of unparalleled innovative problem-solving, our commitment to excellence remains unwavering. Our 2023 goal is to produce only the best results as always. Hence, we remain agile and efficient while delivering only high-quality services.

The year 2022 was indeed phenomenal for us due to our stoic adherence to key tenets that have defined success for us since the inception of our organization. These are simple steps, but their impact is often staggering and unprecedented. They include the following;

  • Charting your Course
  • Executing with Finesse
  • Staying Consistent
  • Learning to Course Correct
We dare say that our competitive advantage comes from acing these small and simple steps. It is our joy to share the same with you in the subsequent paragraphs. All of these are so that you too can have a phenomenal 2023. As you read, make the decision to give your best effort in 2023. Know that you alone have the power to decide how great the year will be.
Thumbnails from 2022 and how to Maximize 2023 the Sydani Way
Charting your Course

In and of itself, no year offers anything of value. Defining the flight path and drawing the blueprints for the year are solely your responsibilities. The earlier you do this, the better. Ideally, you should have done this last year. However, even if you get this done in January, it is still not too late. So, develop a vision for the year and document it. As you refine your plan, make sure to clarify milestones, key activities, and resource requirements. This is your solid foundation for the year. You would only be able to measure progress when your flight plan was detailed from the start.

Thumbnails from 2022 and how to Maximize 2023 the Sydani Way
Executing with Finesse

Once everything is set, engage the gears, and hit the road hard. Nothing is more frustrating than having a well-written plan but lacking the discipline and diligence to execute it. So, get to work and keep yourself on a tight leash. Defining your daily and weekly activities in bite-sized chunks that you can do almost effortlessly and on auto-drive is crucial. In time, you will realize that it is small steps that compound into giant leaps. Never underestimate the power of small steps taken consistently.

Thumbnails from 2022 and how to Maximize 2023 the Sydani Way
Staying Consistent

Success in any endeavor always comes down to consistency. This is where the rubber really hits the road, and the men are separated from the boys. You must stay at those seemingly mundane tasks and keep them on repeat. As you stay on your course, you will also come to understand that it takes consistency to become really successful at important things like learning, skills acquisition, or growth. The secret is often doing the same thing over and repeatedly in a regulated fashion. Building anything requires stability, which is only possible through consistently laying bricks. Your grand plan for the year is at the mercy of your consistency. So, ensure you don’t drop the ball.

Thumbnails from 2022 and how to Maximize 2023 the Sydani Way
Learning to Course Correct 

In space navigation, course correction is a fundamental concept. It is usually initiated when a spacecraft gets off its trajectory or path through space and must be put back on the right path. The location of the spacecraft is determined, and its course vector (the speed and direction of its flight) is calculated. This is compared with the path it should be on. A new vector is computed that will put it back on course. The ship’s attitude thrusters aim the ship, and the main thruster pushes it along the path[4]. As with the execution of every great plan, the need for consistent monitoring and course correction when needed cannot be overemphasized. You must make sure to keep yourself aligned with the core details of your plan. Your daily and weekly activities must be getting you closer to your already well-defined vision. If you notice any sway off course, quickly shift back on course. It is your responsibility, and no one can do it for you.

We hope that the above tenets jump-start you in the right direction. All you need to do is to start at the beginning. Do what is required always. Keep at it and refuse to be distracted. Do all it takes to achieve your vision for the year. Go hard and go all out. Don’t stop till you breast the tape.

At Sydani, we are rooting for you. Rest assured we won’t be resting on our oars too as we take the year with an undaunted commitment to producing only the best results for all our clients and partners.


[1] HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society) is a global advisor, thought leader and member-based society committed to reforming the global health ecosystem through the power of information and technology


[3] https://web.facebook.com/NPHCDA/photos?_rdc=1&_rdr

[4] https://www.qrg.northwestern.edu/projects/vss/docs/navigation/1-what-is-course-correction.html 

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